How Long Do Budgies Live? Tips To Expand Lifespan of a Budgie




How long Do Budgies Live

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Do you have budgie a pet? If so, you may be wondering how long they can live.

The average lifespan of a budgie is around 7 years, but there are some that have lived up to 15 years!

In this blog post, we will discuss the average lifespan of a budgie and How long Do Budgies Live? what you can do to help your bird live a longer life?

How long do budgies live as pets?

The answer may surprise you!

The average lifespan of a budgie is around seven years, but there are some that have lived up to fifteen years.

What Factors Impact The Budgie Lifespan?

There are several factors that can impact how long your budgie will live.


A healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as quality pellet food, will help your budgie live a long and healthy life.

Avoid feeding your bird processed foods, as these can shorten thier lifespan.

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Another factor that can impact the budgie’s lifespan is exercise

Budgies need to exercise daily to stay healthy and avoid obesity, which can lead to health problems that shorten their lifespan.

Provide your budgie with a large cage and plenty of toys to keep them active.

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Veterinary Care:

Regular vet check-ups and preventive care can help your budgie live a long and healthy life.

Be sure to take your budgie to the vet at least once a year for a check-up.

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If you live in an area where there are predators, such as cats or dogs, this can also impact the lifespan of your budgie.


Budgies are social creatures and need companionship to stay happy and healthy.

If your budgie is isolated, this can lead to health problems and a shorter lifespan.

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Like humans, budgies can experience stress.

Common sources of stress for budgies include loud noises, changes in their environment, and lack of companionship.

If your budgie is stressed, this can lead to health problems and a shorter lifespan.

Budgie Molting

How To Extend The Life Of Your Pet Budgie?

Budgies are relatively easy to care for, which contributes to their long life expectancy.

To help your budgie live a long and healthy life, here are some tip

Healthy feed:

A healthy diet is important for all animals, including budgies.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as quality pellet food, will help your budgie live a long and healthy life.

Avoid processed foods, as these can shorten their lifespan.

Exercise :

Budgies need to exercise daily to stay healthy and avoid obesity, which can lead to health problems that shorten their lifespan.

Provide your budgie with a large cage and plenty of toys to keep them active.

Our Cage Review may help you to select the best cage for your bird.

Allow them to fly around:

While budgies in captivity can live happy and healthy lives, they still need to fly.

Allowing your budgie to fly around for at least a few hours each day will help them stay healthy and extend their life.

We have a tricks article about how you can learn your bird to fly to you

Provide a perch:

Perches are important for budgies, as they help them exercise their feet and legs.

Make sure to provide your budgie with a variety of perches of different sizes and textures to keep them healthy.

Best Bird Names

Clean their cage:

A clean cage is important for your budgie’s health, as it can help prevent respiratory problems and other health issues.

Clean their cage regularly and make sure to remove any food or poop that is left behind.

These are just a few of the many things you can do to help your budgie live a long and healthy life.

Nature’s Miracle Bird Cage Cleaner

Nature’s Miracle Bird Cage Cleaner penetrates to eliminate embedded, strong cage odors.

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Can budgies live 20 years?

Yes, with proper care, budgies can live up to 20 years.

The oldest recorded budgie was 26 years old. Check the source here

What is the average lifespan of a budgie?

The average lifespan of a budgie is about 15 years.

Is 10 old for a budgie?

In Certain cases, yes. If a budgie lives to be ten, they’ve likely had good care and genetics are working in their favor.

How do I give my budgie the best life?

The best way to give your budgie the best life is by providing them with a clean and spacious cage, plenty of fresh food and water, and plenty of toys and perches to keep them active.

Additionally, you should let them out of their cage to fly around for at least a few minutes.

Do budgies sleep more as they get older?

Yes, budgies sleep more as they get older.

As budgies age, their metabolism slows down and they become less active. This means they need less sleep. Older budgies typically sleep 12-14 hours a day.

How do you tell the age of a budgie?

there are a few methods to identify the age of your budgie. The shape, eyes, and cere of your budgie can give you some clues about how old they are.

However, you can read our guide on how to tell a budgie’s age.

Budgie Age

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