How to make a parakeet like you? Tips & Tricks




clearwing budgies how to make a parakeet like you

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how to make a parakeet like you ?

If you want to make a parakeet like you, it’s important to understand how they think and what makes them happy.

In this blog post, we’ll go through some ideas for developing a close bond with your parakeet.

How To Make a Parakeet Like You?

1. Begin with a fresh start

Start with a clean slate, so to speak.

If you have had prior interactions with your parakeet that didn’t go well, it’s important to forget about those and start anew.

This means approaching your parakeet with a positive attitude and not expecting the worst from them.

2. Spend time with your parakeet

The best way to make a parakeet like you is to spend time with them simply.

Get to know their personality and what makes them happy. Talk to them, offer them treats, and play with them.

The more time you spend together, the stronger your bond will become.

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3. Give them plenty of toys and perches

Parakeets are very active creatures and need plenty of toys to keep them occupied.

Rotate their toys regularly so they don’t get bored and offer them different perches to sit on throughout the day.

I recommend you get them a few different types of toys, such as:

  • Chew toys: Par Parakeets love to chew on things, so offer them plenty of chewable toys.
  • Swing: All birds love swings, and par parakeet are no exception.
  • Mirror: A mirror can provide your par parakeet with hours of fun as they explore their reflection.
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4. Offer fresh food and water daily

A healthy diet is important for all birds, but it’s especially important for parakeets.

Offer them fresh food and water daily, and make sure to clean their food and water dishes regularly.

I recommend you get them a few different types of food, such as:

  • Pellets: Parakeets need a diet that consists mostly of pellets. Look for a high-quality pellet that is specifically made for parakeets.
  • Seeds: In addition to pellets, you should also offer your parakeet a variety of seeds. Make sure to offer them a mix of different seeds, such as sunflower, millet, and canary seeds.
  • Vegetables: Parakeets also need a variety of fresh vegetables in their diet. Some of their favorites include broccoli, carrots, and spinach.
Budgie choking

5. Keep their cage clean

A clean cage is important for all birds, but it’s especially important for parakeets.

Their small size makes them more susceptible to illness, so keeping their living space clean is important.

Clean their cage at least once a week and more often if necessary. Make sure to remove all food and water dishes or thier drops before you clean their cage.

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6. Talk to your parakeet

Parakeets are social creatures and love to interact with their human companions.

Talk to them often, and offer them words of encouragement. They’ll soon start to mimic your words and sounds.

7. Take them out of their cage

Parakeets need plenty of exercise, so take them out of their cage often. Let them fly around your house or outside in your yard.

Keep an eye on them, so they don’t fly too high or too far away.

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8. Be patient it may take some time for them to warm up to you

Building a bond with a parakeet takes time and patience. Don’t expect results overnight it may take weeks or even months for them to warm up to you.

But if you’re patient and consistent, you’ll eventually develop a strong bond with your feathered friend.

How long does it take for a parakeet to like you?

It can take some time for a parakeet to get used to its new home and human companions.

It may take a few weeks or even months for them to warm up to you.

But if you’re patient and consistent, you’ll eventually develop a strong bond with your feathered friend.

Final Thought

If you want to make a parakeet like you, spending time with them is the best way to start.

Get to know their personality and what makes them happy. Talk to them, offer them treats, and play with them.

The more time you spend together, the stronger your bond will become.

In addition, make sure to give them plenty of toys and perches to keep them occupied, as well as fresh food and water daily.

Keep their cage clean and talk to them often. Be patient – it may take some time for your feathered friend to warm up to you.

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