Do Purple Budgies Exist? The Truth About Rainbow Budgies




purple budgie

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There is a lot of debate on the internet about whether purple budgies exist or not.

Some people say that they have seen them with their own eyes, while others are adamant that they cannot exist because there is no such thing as a purple budgie.

So what’s the truth? Are purple budgies real? Or are they just a myth?

In this blog post, we will explore the topic of violet budgies and try to answer this question once and for all!

Do Purple Budgies Exist?

The purple budgie is a popular bird among bird enthusiasts. This amazing budgies are known for its beautiful plumage and friendly personality. 

purple budgie is usually selectively bred by parakeet breeders. They are also known as violet parakeets. The violet factor modifies a white base color to produce purple. 

A diet of pellets, seeds, fruit, and vegetables is essential for good health for the purple budgerigar.

So, if you are thinking of getting a purple parakeet, make sure you provide a healthy diet to your pet friend.

Are Purple Budgies Rare?

Purple budgerigar are not actually rare and can be found at most pet stores. However, they are not as common as other budgie colors such as blue or green.

purple budgie

Can Budgies Be Purple?

Yes, budgies can be purple. Purple parakeets are created through selective breeding and are not found in the wild.

How To Produce Purple Budgie?

So you want to produce a violet budgie? Well, it’s not as simple as just adding the color gene. 

Violet is actually a color that is added to the budgie’s normal blue and green genes. This means if you can’t see violet visually in the budgie, no purple color is present in the said bird.

The best violet budgie is in the cobalt gene to be seen perfectly. 

Violet could be a single factor (less purple to be seen visually) or a double factor (more pronounced purple to be seen visually).

  • Green series budgies are difficult to see violet in them. 
  • Blue series budgies are the best genes to see violet visually. So, if you want to produce a purple budgie, you need to breed two birds that have the violet gene. 

The following combinations will produce purple offspring: 

  • Cobalt x Cobalt = 25% Mauve + 50% Cobalt + 25% Skyblue (Choose pair with violet present in the hen and cock) 
  • Cobalt x Skyblue = 50% Cobalt + 50% Skyblue (Choose pair with violet present in the hen and cock) 

Good luck! I hope you produce the perfect purple budgerigar!

purple budgie

Life Span of Purple Budgies

Purple Budgies can live between five and eight years in captivity, although the average lifespan is seven to twelve years.


So there you have it! The truth about purple budgies. While they are not actually rare, they are not as common as other budgie colors.

If you are thinking of getting a violet budgie, make sure you provide a healthy diet to your pet friend.

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